Senior Citizens Lending Management

The case study showcases a platform designed for Senior Citizens in Australia, enabling secure loans against their properties with user-friendly features and compliance with financial regulations, providing a straightforward and efficient borrowing experience.

Senior Citizens Lending Management


Devs on Team


App Type
App Type

Enterprise Wide

Methodology Used

Agile Scrum


Web Application

Client Country:


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Client Intro

ASAG, operating in Australia, developed a platform to assist Senior Citizens in borrowing funds against their residential properties, collaborating with various lending institutions for tailored loan offerings.

Client Intro

Transforming Project Management : Challenges, Solutions, and Achievements

Challenges Client Faced

Challenges Client Faced -

  • Addressing the specific financial needs of Senior Citizens in Australia.

  • Simplifying the loan application process for ease of use by seniors.

  • Ensuring compliance with financial regulations and standards.

  • Accurately assessing and valuing security assets or real estate properties.

  • Integrating a straightforward system for loan underwriting and management.

  • Automating EMI deductions for hassle-free loan repayment.

  • Balancing technical sophistication with user-friendly interfaces for seniors.

What we did to fix it -

  • Tailored the platform to cater specifically to the financial needs of Senior Citizens.

  • Developed a user-friendly interface focusing on the senior demographic.

  • Integrated comprehensive KYC, loan application, and assessment processes.

  • Employed advanced valuation methods for security assets and properties.

  • Ensured stringent compliance with financial regulations and standards.

  • Implemented automated systems for loan acceptance, decline, and EMI deductions.

  • Worked in close coordination with the client’s business and technical teams.

What we did to fix it

What we Achieved

Successfully launched

Successfully launched a specialized lending platform for Senior Citizens.

 Streamlined the loan borrowing process

Streamlined the loan borrowing process for seniors using their residential properties.

Secure, transparent, and easy-to-use platform

Provided a secure, transparent, and easy-to-use platform.

Enabled efficient management of the entire lending process.

Enabled efficient management of the entire lending process.

Facilitated direct bank account EMI deductions for user convenience.

Facilitated direct bank account EMI deductions for user convenience.

Supported the growth and expansion

Supported the growth and expansion of ASAG in the fintech sector.

Laid a foundation for continuous improvement and feature enhancement.

Laid a foundation for continuous improvement and feature enhancement.

Key Features we Delivered

Loan Products

Loan Products

Loan Application

Loan Application

Assessment and Underwriting

Assessment and Underwriting

Assets Valuations

Assets Valuations

Automatic EMI Deductions

Automatic EMI Deductions

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