Cloud-Based Diamond ERP Software Solution

The case study highlights the development of an Online Diamond ERP Software for Shrenuj and Co., transitioning from a traditional desktop system to a web-based platform, which simplified transactions and improved operational efficiency globally.

Cloud-Based Diamond ERP Software Solution


Devs on Team


App Type
App Type

Enterprise Wide

Methodology Used



.Net Application, Server

Client Country:


Tech Used
Technologies Used:


Client Intro

Shrenuj and Co. Limited required a transition from a legacy desktop-based system to a modern, efficient online platform. They needed a B2B web application, migrating from VB to .Net technology, to enhance their operations across 8 countries.

Client Intro

Transforming Project Management : Challenges, Solutions, and Achievements

Challenges Client Faced

Challenges Client Faced -

  • Difficulty in maintaining a legacy system developed in Visual Basic and SQL Server.

  • Challenges with upgrading and enhancing a desktop-based system across multiple locations.

  • The need for a more proficient and modern technology stack.

  • Limitations in visibility and accessibility due to the desktop application model.

  • Complexities in executing business transactions efficiently.

  • Inefficiencies in managing stock status and financial positions across different countries.

What we did to fix it -

  • Developed an Online Diamond ERP Software using .NET Technology.

  • Undertook complete software re-engineering by migrating and enhancing business process modules.

  • Simplified accounting and financial processes through software solutions.

  • Provided state-of-the-art dashboards for real-time insights on stock, sales, and financials.

  • Used Agile Methodology with Scrum for flexible and efficient development.

  • Implemented a test-driven approach to ensure software reliability and accuracy.

What we did to fix it

What we Achieved

Streamlined and modernized the ERP system

Streamlined and modernized the ERP system for global accessibility.

Improved visibility of stocks and operations

Improved visibility of stocks and operations across all 8 countries.

Simplified complex transaction processes

Simplified complex transaction processes, ensuring timeliness and accuracy.

 Enhanced the overall efficiency

Enhanced the overall efficiency of business operations.

 Facilitated easier upgrades and maintenance

Facilitated easier upgrades and maintenance through the cloud-based system.

 Enabled real-time tracking

Enabled real-time tracking of sales volumes and financial positions.

Improved user experience and operational transparency.

Improved user experience and operational transparency.

Key Features we Delivered

Online Diamond ERP Software

Online Diamond ERP Software

Enhanced Business Process Modules

Enhanced Business Process Modules

Simplified Accounting and Financial Processes

Simplified Accounting and Financial Processes

State-of-the-Art Dashboards

State-of-the-Art Dashboards

Real-Time Stock and Sales Insights

Real-Time Stock and Sales Insights

Global System Accessibility

Global System Accessibility

Improved Transaction Execution Efficiency

Improved Transaction Execution Efficiency

Project Result

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