Insurance Management Solutions

The case study introduces cloud-based insurance management solution developed for Actuarial Group in Portugal, transitioning to a .Net platform for enhanced efficiency, cost reduction, and global expansion capabilities. It features bilingual support and real-time data access for improved user experience.

Insurance Management Software


Devs on Team


App Type
App Type


Methodology Used

Agile Scrum


Web Application

Client Country:


Tech Used
Technologies Used:

.NET MVC, MS SQL, Multilingual

Client Intro

Actuarial Group, based in Portugal, specializes in providing B2B web application services. They recently undertook a project to migrate from VB to .Net technology, focusing on creating a multi-lingual platform.

Client Intro

Transforming Project Management : Challenges, Solutions, and Achievements

Challenges Client Faced

Challenges Client Faced -

  • Needed a user-friendly Insurance Management System suitable for numerous concurrent users.

  • The existing desktop application and database dictionary were exclusively in Portuguese, necessitating bilingual (English and Portuguese) capabilities in the new system.

  • The system was to be offered both as a White Label solution and in a SaaS model.

What we did to fix it -

  • Developed a cloud-based, multi-user, scalable, secure, and robust Insurance Management Web Application.

  • Enabled hosting of the application in a SaaS model, adaptable for use by various insurance companies in Portugal.

  • Facilitated easy deployment on client's cloud environments for White Label utilization.

  • Collaborated with client's high-level authorities to translate and adapt Portuguese content and parameters to English.

  • Implemented Agile Methodology with Scrum and a test-driven approach for development.

What we did to fix it

What we Achieved

Business Expansion

Business Expansion

Enabled the client to expand their business globally, leveraging the new online product.

Improved Time-to-Market

Improved Time-to-Market

Achieved faster deployment and remote management capabilities, reducing the product's go-live period.

Cost Saving

Cost Saving

Drastically reduced deployment and maintenance costs through cloud hosting.

Enhanced Efficiency

Enhanced Efficiency

Users and management can now access crucial information and reports in real-time, eliminating dependency on office staff emails.

Bilingual Support

Bilingual Support

Successfully integrated both English and Portuguese languages in the application.

User-Friendly Interface

User-Friendly Interface

Ensured the system is easy to navigate for a diverse range of users.



The system can handle a significant increase in user load without performance issues.

Key Features we Delivered

Multi-Language Support

Multi-Language Support

Cloud Hosting

Cloud Hosting

Real-Time Data Access

Real-Time Data Access

User-Friendly Interface

User-Friendly Interface

Scalable Architecture

Scalable Architecture

Secure Environment

Secure Environment

Agile Development Approach

Agile Development Approach

Project Result

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