Small Banking System
We have developed a software application which is meant to automate all the functions of the Co-operative Credit Societies. In today's world of Internet where Banking Sector is the first to harness the benefits of latest technology, Small Banks like Co-operative Credit Societies have to maintain a comparative service level towards their customers.

Providing a Single Entity to different branches of a Co-operative Bank through which all Administrative Staff, Working Staff, Members and Account Holders can interact and perform their daily activities.

Automate all the activities of a Co-operative Credit Society

The system will automatically generate and email Bank Transaction Statements on daily, weekly or monthly basis.

All Financial Reports like Balance Sheet and Dividend Details will be automatically generated and emailed to the Management level users.

Interest on Saving Accounts for all account holders will be automatically calculated and posted in the system.

Interest and penal interest on different Loan Accounts will be calculated automatically.

Keep track of all transactions.

Generate reports and certificates like Bank Statements and Share Certificates, Fixed Deposit Certificates etc.

Generate Final Balance Sheet with Profit and Loss Account.

Distribution of Dividends to Members depending on their Share Values.