Pros and Cons of Agile and Waterfall Methods

  • Grasps ideas: Ideas are being tossed around at all points in the development process. Some might be rejected, however almost all will be tested.
  • Users are heard: Developers can get a clearer idea of the client’s needs through various sessions of user testing and input.
  • Hard to track: With parts of the project repeatedly changing, teams may have difficulties tracking changes, phases and schedules.
  • Harder to plan: Teams may come into the process with a general idea for a completion date, yet they frequently change plans multiple times as objectives are included or surrendered.
  • Simple and organized: One by one, tasks are monitored and team members know what to do next. New features are rarely included, enabling developers to manage their schedules without interference.
  • Clear timeline and goals: This often benefits bigger teams rather than smaller ones, however, managers know the date a project will start, tasks will be advanced and the product will be completed.
  • Inflexible structure: As problems emerge during the development process, it is hard to accommodate new tasks while maintaining strict schedules, potentially resulting in decreased functionality.
  • Longer process: It can be difficult and tedious to organize all necessities before initial development. Likewise, if the project planner is assigning realistic deadlines, the process will probably be drawn out.
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